Barfield’s Christmas letter 2009

David and Cathy at 30 years of marriage

David and Cathy at 30 years of marriage

Here is news from 2009 (and the last part of 2008).

2009 brought our 30th wedding anniversary. Five years ago, we did not celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary as we planned since Cathy’s Dad needed our care during in his final 1 ½ years of life. So we put off the big celebration until our 30th anniversary. The celebration included two main parts described below.

On August 30, we publicly celebrated the occasion by renewing our wedding vows. Cathy looked beautiful in her wedding dress.  We had a square dance afterward, as we did on our wedding day. On our blog at, for those of you who could not attend or want to see it again, we have posted the following: a 4-minute slide show with pictures of the ceremony; the 8-minute slide shown at the ceremony highlighting our 30 years of marriage; and our wedding vows, our “Note to our guests,” and “Our Story” from the program of the event.

Last December we went on a special 30th anniversary vacation in the Philippines (where Betsy was teaching). Our three weeks there included a week in Manila; 4 days on a lovely resort island known for its beautiful beaches and excellent scuba diving; and some time in a mountainous part of the Philippines known for its 2000 year-old rice terraces. David did his first scuba diving and Cathy and Betsy para-sailed. However, at the last location, Cathy fell and broke her ankle. Fortunately, it was at the end of our trip. We hobbled back to the U.S. and over time, Cathy has recovered fully. For full details of our trip, go to our blog and click on the link “Our Philippines trip”.

Trike Ride

Trike Ride

Cathy and Betsy Para-sailing

Cathy and Betsy Para-sailing

David's discovery dive

David's discovery dive

Other highlights from the year:

David continues to enjoy and be challenged by his work as chief engineer of the Kansas Division of Water Resources (see for more). Difficult duties this year have included laying off 10 staff due to budget issues and two weeks of trial in March.

Cathy continues to teach science classes to local homeschool students and this fall started teaching biology to 19 high school students at Veritas Christian School.

Betsy returned from her two years in the Philippines in June. This year she is teaching 3rd and 4th graders at Olathe Christian School. She has been living in nearby Eudora with her friend Jody. She has been dating Matt Pool since late summer.

Amy is in her second year of teaching elementary strings at three Topeka Public Schools and continues to date Josh Hilger.

Megan is in her junior year at Washburn University, studying music with a possible minor in Mass Media. This summer she began volunteering at the Pregnancy Care Center and this fall they offered her a job as administrative assistant, which she loves. She is dating Brandon Hash.

Family at Thanksgiving 2009

Family at Thanksgiving 2009

Our dog of a year and a half, Bingley, had surgery on his knee in February (so we had to deal with two cripples early this year). Bingley’s recovery was much quicker than Cathy’s. His highlight for the year is going along with us to Wisconsin. He loves the water and sailing with David.

Bingley enjoys a boat ride

Bingley enjoys a boat ride

Book recommendation from David:  Integrity, the Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality by Dr. Henry Cloud  (see summaries on David’s blog at

We are thankful that Christ came for us, for all of His gifts, and for your friendship.

David & Cathy Barfield

1481 E 660 Road
Lawrence, KS 66049
Our web site:
Relatively new email addresses:

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